Benchmark Analysis of FFTF Loss of Flow Without Scram Test

Closed for proposals

Project Type

Coordinated Research Project

Project Code




Approved Date

6 March 2018


Active - Ongoing

Start Date

26 July 2018

Expected End Date

31 December 2022

Completed Date

27 June 2024

Participating Countries

Kingdom of the Netherlands
Republic of Korea
Russian Federation
United States of America


The IAEA Coordinated Research Project (CRP) will focus on benchmark analysis of one of the unprotected passive safety demonstration tests performed at the Fast Flux Test Facility (FFTF). The dynamics analysis of FFTF reactor core with complex reactivity feedback mechanisms and primary and secondary coolant loops using system codes will provide an excellent opportunity for validation of the physical and mathematical models and reactor simulation codes using actual experimental data.


The overall objective of the CRP is to improve the Member States' analytical capabilities in the field of fast reactor simulation and design. A necessary condition towards achieving this objective is a wide international validation and qualification effort of the analysis methodology and codes currently employed in the fields of fast reactor neutronics, thermal hydraulics and plant dynamics to achieve enhanced safety. It will aim to enable Member States to make informed decisions on the development of new or advanced fast reactor designs, and to increase cooperation between Member States in achieving advances in fast reactor technology development through international collaborative R&D.The CRP will be implemented as a programmatic activity of the IAEA Project “Advanced technology for fast and gas-cooled reactor” starting with the IAEA Program and Budget Cycle 2018 – 2019. The Project has the objective, among others, to enable Member States to make informed decisions on the development of new or advanced fast reactor designs, and to increase cooperation between Member States in achieving advances in fast reactor technology development through international collaborative R&D. Given its aforementioned overall objective, the CRP clearly responds to the objectives of the IAEA Project

Specific objectives

Analyse Uncertainties and Results Qualification (Optional) Timing: Max Temperature, Final Shutdown Flowrates Key Temperatures, Natural Circulation Balance, and Others

Collect, evaluate and share experimental data obtained in FFTF during LOFWOS experiments

Jointly develop a benchmark specification, analysis methods, including: Detailed Input Data on: FFTF Plant Layout; Core Layout; Detailed Description of Fuel/Reflector/Control Rod Assemblies plus Gas Expansion Modules; Description of Cycle 8C including Fuel Isotopic Composition and Pre-Transient Power History; Primary Coolant System including Pump, Intermediate Heat Exchanger, and Piping Specifications; Secondary Coolant System including Pump, Dump Heat Exchanger, and Piping Specifications; LOFWOS Test #13 Test Description including initial and transient boundary conditions; Instrumentation and Available Experimental Data Measured during LOFWOS Test #13. Physical Processes to be simulated in Benchmark: Primary and secondary loop fluid flow and heat transfer Core neutronics. Output Values and Data to be compared: Steady-State Core Physics (k-eff, Reactivity Feedbacks, Decay Heat, etc…); Steady-State Power Distributions; In LOFWOS Transient, History (vs. time) of: Reactor Power, Reactivity; Temperatures in Primary/Secondary Hot/Cold legs as well as within reactor core and at the outlet of the two fast response PIOTAs, etc…; Flow Rates.

Perform benchmark analysis by simulation of specific FFTF LOFWOS test using different codes, methods, and models in the participating institutions and jointly analyse the results of calculations, in particular: Evaluation of the key parameters that predict the transient behaviour of the reactor core and the primary coolant loop, including the reactor core flow rate and sodium coolant temperatures (against measurements obtained from the instrumented fuel assemblies) and intermediate heat exchanger temperatures; Calculation and benchmark comparison of key reactivity effects, including the Doppler feedback, sodium density, fuel axial and core radial expansion, and control-rod-driveline expansion. The modelling and analysis of the selected test will require steady-state conditions prior to the test, boundary conditions such as the primary pump speeds and dump heat exchanger sodium outlet temperatures, and core physics model of oxide core during the cycle in which the test was conducted.

Publish papers in journals and proceedings as well as a standard and evaluated benchmark report as an IAEA technical publication

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