Benchmark on Thermal Hydraulics Transient Tests at S-Allegro Helium Facility
Open for proposals
Project Type
Project Code
2401Approved Date
Final title: Benchmark on Thermal Hydraulics Transient Tests at S-Allegro Helium Facility
The Coordinated Research Project (CRP) will focus on the numerical simulation and analysis of tests performed at the helium S-Allegro experimental facility, operated by the Research Centre Rež (CVR) in Pilsen, Czech Republic. Simulating these S-Allegro experiments offers an excellent opportunity to validate the physical and mathematical models and to verify numerical simulation codes developed for system and thermal-hydraulic analysis of innovative gas cooled reactors, operating both in fast and thermal neutron spectra. S-Allegro can provide experimental data obtained at its three facility loops, including nominal, transient, and accident scenarios for both force and natural circulation. The experimental data will be available both for integral values and local temperature distributions, making them valuable for benchmarking and code-to-experiment comparison.
The overall objective of the CRP is to improve the Member States' analytical capabilities in the field of simulation of high-temperature gas cooled reactors (GRs), operating both in fast neutron spectrum and moderated. A necessary condition towards achieving this objective is a wide international validation and qualification effort of the analysis methodology and codes currently employed in the fields of reactor neutronics, thermal hydraulics and plant dynamics to achieve enhanced safety. It will aim to enable Member States to make informed decisions on the development of innovative gas cooled reactor designs, and to increase cooperation between Member States in achieving advances in GR technology development through international collaborative R&D. The CRP will be implemented as a programmatic activity of the IAEA Project “Advanced technology for fast reactors” starting with the IAEA Program and Budget Cycle 2024 – 2025. The Project has the objective, among others, to enable Member States to make informed decisions on the development of innovative reactor designs, and to increase cooperation between Member States in achieving advances in advanced reactor technology development through international collaborative R&D. Given its aforementioned overall objective, the CRP clearly responds to the objectives of the IAEA Project