Neutronics Benchmark of CEFR Start-Up Tests
Closed for proposals
Project Type
Project Code
2173Approved Date
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Expected End Date
Participating Countries
The title update proposed by expert at CM:Neutronics Benchmark of CEFR Start-Up Tests The Coordinated Research Project (CRP) will focus on neutronics benchmark analysis of the physics start-up tests performed at the China Experimental Fast Reactor (CEFR) in 2010-2011. CEFR is a small-size sodium cooled fast reactor with a high neutron leakage core fuelled with uranium oxide and stainless-steel radial reflector. Benchmark analysis of CEFR physics start-up tests will include evaluation of the criticality, control rod worth, reactivity effects, and neutron spectral characteristics. The recorded experimental data from the CEFR start-up will provide an excellent opportunity for validation of the physical models and neutronics simulation codes.
The overall objective of the CRP is to improve the Member States' analytical capabilities in the field of fast reactor simulation and design by international validation and qualification of codes currently employed in the field of fast reactor neutronics through benchmark study based on experimental data obtained by CIAE in 2010-2011 during the CEFR start-up tests. The CRP will be implemented as a programmatic activity of the IAEA Project “Advanced technologies for fast and gas cooled reactors” starting with the IAEA Program and Budget Cycle 2018 – 2019. The Project has the objective, among others, to enable Member States to make informed decisions on the development of new or advanced fast reactor designs and to increase cooperation between Member States in achieving advances in fast reactor technology development through international collaborative R&D. Given its aforementioned overall objective, the CRP clearly responds to the objectives of the IAEA Project
Specific objectives
Collect, evaluate and share experimental data obtained by CIAE during CEFR start-up tests.
Perform benchmark analysis by simulation of specific CEFR Physics Start-up tests using different codes, methods and models by the participating institutions and jointly analyse the results of calculations.
Jointly develop a benchmark specification, including Detailed input data on: reactor core axial and radial layout, including positions of the control rods; detailed description of fuel and control rod assemblies; isotopic composition of core materials; CEFR start-up tests description; experimental data measured in physics start-up tests (values, locations, uncertainties). Simulation results and experimental data to be compared: effective multiplication factor; control rod worth; reactivity effects; neutron spectral characteristics.
Calculation of correction factor between homogeneous and heterogeneous models (optional).
Publish a benchmark report as an IAEA technical publication.
Analysis of uncertainties (optional).