Implementation of Nuclear Techniques for Authentication of Foods with High-Value Labelling Claims (INTACT Food)
Open for proposals
Project Type
Project Code
2189Approved Date
Start Date
Expected End Date
Participating Countries
The overall objective of this CRP is to enable developing countries to protect and promote food products with high-value labelling claims by development and application of nuclear and related techniques. The project thereby aims to safeguard consumers and producers, ensure religious and ethical compliance, stimulate domestic markets and reduce barriers to international trade.
Specific objectives
• Application of existing nulcear and complementary analytical techniques and development of methods for verifying high-value labelling claims.
• Harmonization of analytical methods across Member States through development and production of standard operating procedures (SOPs) for nuclear and related analytical techniques applied to food matrices.
• Characterisation of authentic reference samples to verify labelling claims of potentially adulterated samples.
• Development of guidelines for database establishment, maintenance, statistical evaluation, interpretation and reporting.