Coordinated Research Projects – Division of Physical and Chemical Sciences
Copper-64 Radiopharmaceuticals for Theranostic Applications
Coordinated Research Project ¦ December 2015 ¦ CRP Code: F22067 ¦ ClosedUse of Isotope Hydrology to Characterize Groundwater Systems in the Vicinity of Nuclear Power Plants
Coordinated Research Project ¦ September 2015 ¦ CRP Code: F33022 ¦ ClosedTherapeutic Radiopharmaceuticals Labelled with New Emerging Radionuclides (67Cu, 186Re, 47Sc)
Coordinated Research Project ¦ September 2015 ¦ CRP Code: F22053 ¦ ClosedRecommended Input Parameter Library (RIPL) for Fission Cross Section Calculations
Coordinated Research Project ¦ July 2015 ¦ CRP Code: F41033 ¦ Active - OngoingPathways to Energy from Inertial Fusion: Materials Beyond Ignition
Coordinated Research Project ¦ July 2015 ¦ CRP Code: F13016 ¦ ClosedUpdating the Photonuclear Data Library and Generating a Reference Database for Photon Strength Functions
Coordinated Research Project ¦ July 2015 ¦ CRP Code: F41032 ¦ Active - OngoingDevelopment of Radiometric Methods and Modelling for Measurement of Sediment Transport and Dispersion of Particles and Pollutants from Outfalls
Coordinated Research Project ¦ May 2015 ¦ CRP Code: F22066 ¦ Active - OngoingIsotopes to Study Nitrogen Pollution and Eutrophication of Rivers and Lakes
Coordinated Research Project ¦ May 2015 ¦ CRP Code: F32007 ¦ ClosedDevelopment of Radiometric Methods for Exploration and Process Optimization in Mining and Mineral Industries
Coordinated Research Project ¦ May 2015 ¦ CRP Code: F22065 ¦ Active - OngoingDeveloping Radiation Treatment Methodologies and New Resin Formulations for Consolidation And Preservation of Archived Materials and Cultural Heritage Artefacts
Coordinated Research Project ¦ December 2014 ¦ CRP Code: F23032 ¦ Closed- ‹ previous
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