IAEA and North Korea: The Verificaton Challenge
IAEA Mandate in DPRK Related to the 1994 USA-DPRK Agreed Framework
- UN Security Council Request for IAEA Verification of Freeze Under USA-DPRK Agreed Framework of 21 October 1994.
- Facilities in the DPRK covered by the freeze.
Following are extracts from the Statement of the President of the Security Council, 4 November 1994:
- The Security Council reaffirmed the critical importance of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safeguards in the implementation of the Treaty on the Non- Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (the Treaty) and the contribution which progress in non-proliferation makes to the maintenance of international peace and security.
- The Security Council noted with satisfaction the "Agreed Framework between the United States of America and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK)" (Agreed Framework) of 21 October 1994 as a positive step in the direction of denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula and maintaining peace and security in the region.
- The Security Council took note of the decision of the DPRK in the Agreed Framework to remain a party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. It noted also the DPRK's decision to come into full compliance with the IAEA-DPRK Safeguards Agreement (INFCIRC/403) under the Treaty.
- The Council underlined that the Safeguards Agreement remains binding and in force and looked to the DPRK to act thereon. The Council requested the IAEA to take all steps it may deem necessary, following consultations between the IAEA and DPRK with regard to verifying the accuracy and completeness of the DPRK's initial report on all nuclear material in the DPRK, to verify full DPRK compliance with the IAEA- DPRK Safeguards Agreement.
- The Security Council noted with approval the DPRK decision in the Agreed Framework to freeze its graphite-moderated reactors and related facilities, which is a voluntary measure beyond what is required by the Treaty and the IAEA-DPRK Safeguards Agreement.
- The Security Council, having received an oral report from the Director General of the IAEA, noted further that IAEA monitoring activities with respect to such a voluntary measure are within the scope of verification activities under the IAEA- DPRK Safeguards Agreement.
- The Security Council requested the IAEA to take all steps it may deem necessary as a consequence of the Agreed Framework to monitor the freeze.
- The Security Council also requested the IAEA to continue to report to it on implementation of the Safeguards Agreement until the DPRK has come into full compliance with that Agreement and to report to the Council on its activities related to monitoring the freeze of the specified facilities.
Following are the facilities in the DPRK covered by the freeze:
- The Nyongbyon 5 MWe Experimental Nuclear Power Plant
- The Nyongbyon Nuclear Fuel Rod Fabrication Plant
- The Radiochemical Laboratory of the Institute of Radiochemistry of Nyongbyon
- The Nyongbyon 50 MWe Nuclear Power Plant (under construction)
- The Taechon 200 MWe Nuclear Power Plant (under construction)