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General Conference: Day 5 Highlights


The IAEA's annual General Conference is the global forum for cooperation in the nuclear field.  (Photo: D. Calma/IAEA)

The following activities took place on Friday:

At the annual plenary meeting of the Regulatory Cooperation Forum (RCF), held today on the sidelines of the IAEA’s 66th General Conference, attendees focused on the common challenges and issues for regulatory infrastructure development among countries embarking on nuclear power programmes. In addition, IAEA and supporting members provided participants with updates on their assistance programmes.

Member States’ activities:

The social impact of nuclear education and training in unlocking human potential and helping societies and economies to prosper, was highlighted at the virtual event, Nuclear Education as a Basis for Long-Lasting Social Impact and Empowerment of People, organized by the Russian Federation. Speakers discussed cases related to educating the present and next generations of professionals in developed nuclear energy markets, including women in STEM, young people and local communities. They also addressed the role of education in the emerging nuclear energy countries, particularly in Africa.


Last update: 06 Oct 2022

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