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IAEA General Conference of Member States Concludes in Vienna

High-level delegates from the IAEA´s Member States attended the 50th Regular Session of the IAEA General Conference. (Photo: D. Calma/IAEA)

At the concluding session of the IAEA General Conference, States adopted resolutions backing the IAEA´s work and setting future directions in key areas. More than 100 IAEA Member States attended the week-long Conference in Vienna.

The Conference supported the strengthening of work related to the three pillars of the IAEA´s work - nuclear safeguards, safety and security, and technology. The full texts of adopted resolutions will be posted on the IAEA.org website as they become available.

Also today, the General Conference received a report that sums up discussions at the IAEA´s Special Event on Assurances of Nuclear Supply and Non-Proliferation. The event was held on the margins of the Conference and attracted more than 300 participants from 61 countries and organizations.

Last update: 27 Jul 2017

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