土壤侵蚀是最常见的土地退化类型,是上层土壤流失的一个过程。植物的大部分养分和水分都来自于上层土壤。当这个被称为表土的肥沃层流失时,土地的生产力下降,农民便失去了种植粮食的一个重要资源。与风或太阳不同,土壤是一种有限的、不可再生的资源,且正以惊人的速度退化。一些国家和地区受到的影响尤为严重。根据中华人民共和国水利部的数据,2021年,中国的土壤侵蚀面积为267.42万平方公里。 阅读更多 →
Food safety is a critical aspect of public health and global food security. Since consumers cannot always see, taste or smell the threat of contaminated food, food safety laboratories backed by nuclear science serve as a line of defence to detect and prevent food hazards. 阅读更多 →
Good nutrition is essential for good health and well-being. Nuclear techniques, including stable isotope techniques, play an important role in the development, monitoring and impact of interventions against malnutrition. 阅读更多 →
What happens when seeds are exposed to microgravity, extreme low temperatures and cosmic radiation? The IAEA and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) launched seeds into space to find out. 阅读更多 →