核科学技术经常被用于研究和保护有价值的文物。这些文物包罗万象,从油画作品、服装和乐器,到雕像、武器和盔甲,不一而足,甚至包括埃及木乃伊和整艘古代木船。文化研究机构正越来越多地采用核技术和相关技术来分析和保护无价的历史物品和艺术品。核技术可有助于解开隐藏在油画作品表面下的绘画,甚至检测出最狡猾的赝品,而且都不会对被研究的物品造成任何损害。辐照等技术也有助于保护文物,因为它可以除去细菌或真菌等微生物,或消灭破坏性的害虫。 阅读更多 →
Particle accelerators produce and accelerate beams of charged particles, such as electrons, protons and ions, of atomic and sub-atomic size. 阅读更多 →
Digital technologies support operations and automation at facilities handling nuclear material or other radioactive material, potentially leading to increased operational efficiency, reduced labour costs, and better safety and security. However, digital innovations may also pose threats and risks 阅读更多 →