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IAEA Annual Report for 2023

Typically issued in July each year, the IAEA Annual Report summarizes and highlights developments over the past year in major areas of the Agency's work. It includes a summary of major issues, activities, and achievements, and status tables and graphs related to safeguards, safety, and science and technology.

Read Annual Report [English] →

IAEA Annual Reports


Annual Report 2002


Annual Report 2001


Annual Report 2000


Annual Report 1999


Annual Report 1998


Annual Report 1997

Topical Reviews

Nuclear Security Review

The Review is published annually and includes the global trends and the Agency’s activities in the area of nuclear security in the respective year. It also presents priorities, as identified by the IAEA based on Member States’ needs and priorities, for strengthening nuclear security globally.

Nuclear Technology Review

This review - issued every two years and updated annually - reports on the global status and trends in fields of nuclear science and technology. Topics covered include nuclear power development, including innovative reactors and fuel cycle approaches; nuclear applications in fields of health, agriculture, water, and other areas; nuclear information and knowledge management; and issues of sustainable development in which nuclear technologies can play an important role.

Technical Cooperation Report

The IAEA issues a Technical Cooperation Report to its Board of Governors in June, covering the precceding year.

See the latest version of the IAEA Technical Cooperation Report and Supplement

Technical Cooperation - Annual Reports →


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