IAEA Topical Booklets and Overviews
Topical booklets and issue-oriented overviews highlight the IAEA's roles and work in fields of safety and security, safeguards and verification, and science and technology.
The IAEA INPRO School on Strategic Planning for Sustainable Nuclear Energy (2023)
Climate Change and Nuclear Power 2022: Securing Clean Energy for Climate Resilience (2022)
Transitions to Low Carbon Electricity Systems: Key Economic and Investment Trends (2019)
- PRIS - Power Reactor Information System: Past, Present and Future (2019)
Milestones Approach: Developing the National Nuclear Infrastructure for Nuclear Power (2018)
- The Nuclear Fuel Cycle (2018)
- New Research Reactor Programmes (2018)
Introducing Nuclear Power: The Role of National Leadership (2016)
-- Arabic | Chinese | French | Russian | Spanish - Research Reactors: Purpose and Future (2016)
- Fusion Energy - The Role of the IAEA (2015)
- Developing Infrastructure for New Nuclear Power Programmes: IAEA Services for Member States (2014)
- Getting to the Core of Environmental Remediation (2012)
- Getting to the Core of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle (2012)
- Getting to the Core of Radioactive Waste (2011)
Food and Agriculture
- Atoms4Food: Growing Food Security (2024)
- IN ACTION: Nuclear Applications in Agriculture – On-the-ground success, Part III (2016)
- Nuclear Techniques for Climate-smart Agriculture (2016)
- Addressing Food Safety and Quality with Nuclear Techniques (2016)
- Nuclear Applications in Animal Production and Health (2016)
- Monitoring Soil-Water-Nutrient Interations for Healthy Soils (2016)
- Mutation Breeding for Crop Improvement (2016)
- Integrated Pest Management using the Sterile Insect Technique (2016)
- Food and Agriculture: Responding to Nuclear Emergencies (2016)
- The Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture (2014)
- The FAO/IAEA Agriculture and Biotechnology Laboratories (2014)
- IN ACTION: Nuclear Applications in Agriculture - In-the-ground success (2014)
- IN ACTION: Nuclear Applications in Agriculture - On-the-ground success, Part II(2014)
- Atoms For Food - A Global Partnership (2010)
-- Arabic | Chinese | French | Spanish
IAEA Overviews
- IAEA At a Glance (2020)
-- Arabic | Chinese | French | German | Russian | Spanish - Operational Safety Review Team (OSART) (2020)
- IAEA at Work - 2018 Edition (2018)
- IAEA and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (2022)
- IAEA Nobel Peace Prize Fund for Cancer, Nutrition (2006)
- In the Service of Peace: 2005 Nobel Peace Prize (2005)
- Nuclear Science and Technology for Climate Change: Mitigation, Adapt ation and Monitoring (2021)
Safeguards and Verification
Safety and Security
Nuclear Security Training and Demonstration Centre (NSTDC) Catalogue of training courses (2023)
Supporting Member States: IAEA Peer Reviews and Advisory Services (2020)
Making Sense of Radiation Safety: Protecting People and the Environment (2017)
- Strategic Master Plan: Environmental Remediation of Uranium Legacy Sites in Central Asia (2017)
- Understanding Nuclear Forensics in 5 Questions (2014)
- Sealed Radioactive Sources (2013)
- IAEA-EU Joint Action: Partnership in Improving Nuclear Security (2013)
- International Nuclear Law in the Post-Chernobyl Period (2006)
-- French - Chernobyl's Legacy: Health, Environmental and Socio-economic Impacts and Recommendations to the Governments of Belarus, the Russian Federation and Ukraine (2006)
-- German | Russian
Science and Technology
Discover the World with Nuclear Physics: 10 Ion Beam & Neutron Case Studies (2018)
- Research Reactors in Latin America and the Caribbean (2017)
- The Atom, the Environment and Sustainable Development (2014)
- -- Arabic | Chinese | French | Spanish
- Dedicated to Success – A sample of innovative successes from the IAEA Nuclear Sciences and Applications Laboratories (2012)
- Research Reactors in Africa (2011)