IAEA Topical Booklets and Overviews
Topical booklets and issue-oriented overviews highlight the IAEA's roles and work in fields of safety and security, safeguards and verification, and science and technology.
IAEA Overviews
- IAEA At a Glance (2020)
-- Arabic | Chinese | French | German | Russian | Spanish - Operational Safety Review Team (OSART) (2020)
- IAEA at Work - 2018 Edition (2018)
- IAEA and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (2022)
- IAEA Nobel Peace Prize Fund for Cancer, Nutrition (2006)
- In the Service of Peace: 2005 Nobel Peace Prize (2005)
- Nuclear Science and Technology for Climate Change: Mitigation, Adapt ation and Monitoring (2021)
Safeguards and Verification
Safety and Security
Nuclear Security Training and Demonstration Centre (NSTDC) Catalogue of training courses (2023)
Supporting Member States: IAEA Peer Reviews and Advisory Services (2020)
Making Sense of Radiation Safety: Protecting People and the Environment (2017)
- Strategic Master Plan: Environmental Remediation of Uranium Legacy Sites in Central Asia (2017)
- Understanding Nuclear Forensics in 5 Questions (2014)
- Sealed Radioactive Sources (2013)
- IAEA-EU Joint Action: Partnership in Improving Nuclear Security (2013)
- International Nuclear Law in the Post-Chernobyl Period (2006)
-- French - Chernobyl's Legacy: Health, Environmental and Socio-economic Impacts and Recommendations to the Governments of Belarus, the Russian Federation and Ukraine (2006)
-- German | Russian
Science and Technology
Discover the World with Nuclear Physics: 10 Ion Beam & Neutron Case Studies (2018)
- Research Reactors in Latin America and the Caribbean (2017)
- The Atom, the Environment and Sustainable Development (2014)
- -- Arabic | Chinese | French | Spanish
- Dedicated to Success – A sample of innovative successes from the IAEA Nuclear Sciences and Applications Laboratories (2012)
- Research Reactors in Africa (2011)
Technical Cooperation
The IAEA INPRO School on Strategic Planning for Sustainable Nuclear Energy (2023)
Climate Change and Nuclear Power 2022: Securing Clean Energy for Climate Resilience (2022)
Transitions to Low Carbon Electricity Systems: Key Economic and Investment Trends (2019)
- PRIS - Power Reactor Information System: Past, Present and Future (2019)
Milestones Approach: Developing the National Nuclear Infrastructure for Nuclear Power (2018)
- The Nuclear Fuel Cycle (2018)
- New Research Reactor Programmes (2018)
Introducing Nuclear Power: The Role of National Leadership (2016)
-- Arabic | Chinese | French | Russian | Spanish - Research Reactors: Purpose and Future (2016)
- Fusion Energy - The Role of the IAEA (2015)
- Developing Infrastructure for New Nuclear Power Programmes: IAEA Services for Member States (2014)
- Getting to the Core of Environmental Remediation (2012)
- Getting to the Core of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle (2012)
- Getting to the Core of Radioactive Waste (2011)
Food and Agriculture
- IN ACTION: Nuclear Applications in Agriculture – On-the-ground success, Part III (2016)
- Nuclear Techniques for Climate-smart Agriculture (2016)
- Addressing Food Safety and Quality with Nuclear Techniques (2016)
- Nuclear Applications in Animal Production and Health (2016)
- Monitoring Soil-Water-Nutrient Interations for Healthy Soils (2016)
- Mutation Breeding for Crop Improvement (2016)
- Integrated Pest Management using the Sterile Insect Technique (2016)
- Food and Agriculture: Responding to Nuclear Emergencies (2016)
- The Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture (2014)
- The FAO/IAEA Agriculture and Biotechnology Laboratories (2014)
- IN ACTION: Nuclear Applications in Agriculture - In-the-ground success (2014)
- IN ACTION: Nuclear Applications in Agriculture - On-the-ground success, Part II(2014)
- Atoms For Food - A Global Partnership (2010)
-- Arabic | Chinese | French | Spanish