Decommissioning nuclear facilities

Vol. 27-4


It will be possible, without major difficulties and undue risks, to carry out future decommissioning or to maintain shutdown facilities in a safe condition over a period of years. Several points must be emphasized, however: It does not yet appear possible to lay down general rules for defining, in an industrial context, the tactics to be applied for each type of facility, even though dismantling certain large units (power reactors and plants) after final shutdown can be used to evaluate the quality of available means, tools, and equipment. Operations already carried out show that more suitable techniques have to be created and developed. It is necessary to co-ordinate decommissioning policy with such interrelated activities as robotics and waste management, for example. Actions needed for the future are mentioned. Finally the research and development activities in France are mentioned. These are concerned with general studies and the following specific subjects: Safety evaluation of nuclear facilities in a final shutdown state and during decommissioning. Remote operation and remote manipulation. Robotics techniques. Cutting tools and techniques for materials. Decontamination and waste treatment. Processing and management of radioactive waste

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