协调研究项目 – Joint FAO/IAEA Centre of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture
Enhancement of Dacine Fruit Fly Management by Combining SIT with MAT and Female Suppression
Coordinated Research Project ¦ 2024.10 ¦ CRP Code: D41031 ¦ New - Collecting or Evaluating proposalsAccelerated Genetic Improvement of Key Dryland Millets for Climate Change Adaptation
Coordinated Research Project ¦ 2023.09 ¦ CRP Code: D24016 ¦ Active - OngoingImprovement of Drosophila Suzukii Mass-Rearing and Released Methods for SIT Programmes
Coordinated Research Project ¦ 2023.03 ¦ CRP Code: D41030 ¦ Active - OngoingAn Integrative Approach to Enhance Disease Resistance Against Fusarium Wilt (Foc TR4) in Banana – Phase II
Coordinated Research Project ¦ 2022.09 ¦ CRP Code: D23033 ¦ Active - OngoingRadiation-induced crop diversity and genetic associations for accelerating variety development
Coordinated Research Project ¦ 2021.09 ¦ CRP Code: D24015 ¦ Active - OngoingNovel Irradiation Technology for Phytosanitary Treatment of Food Commodities and Promotion of Trade
Coordinated Research Project ¦ 2021.09 ¦ CRP Code: D61026 ¦ Active - OngoingImproving rearing, handling, and field components for fruit fly SIT application
Coordinated Research Project ¦ 2021.06 ¦ CRP Code: D41029 ¦ Active - OngoingDevelopment of Integrated Techniques for Induced Genetic Diversity and Improvement of Vegetatively Propagated and Horticultural Tree Crops
Coordinated Research Project ¦ 2021.02 ¦ CRP Code: D24014 ¦ Active - OngoingDeveloping Climate Smart Agricultural practices for mitigation of greenhouse gases
Coordinated Research Project ¦ 2020.02 ¦ CRP Code: D15020 ¦ Active - OngoingHydrogen Permeation in Fusion-Relevant Materials
Coordinated Research Project ¦ 2019.12 ¦ CRP Code: F43025 ¦ Active - Ongoing- 1 of 16
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