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Practical Borehole Logging Procedures for Mineral Exploration, with Emphasis on Uranium

Technical Reports Series No. 259

English STI/DOC/010/259 ¦ 92-0-145086-6

¦ € 13.00 ¦ Date published: 1986


Borehole logging is a basic tool in the exploration for and delineation of uranium deposits. The radioactivity associated with the uranium can be used for the quantitative evaluation of the uranium content of rocks intercepted by the borehole. This manual is designed to provide an explanation of such procedures in a clear and straightforward manner so as to meet the needs of field practitioners.
Contents: Introduction; The borehole: Its characteristics and effects; Gross count gamma ray logging; Resistance, resistivity and conductivity; Spontaneous potential; Density logging; Neutron logging; Field procedures; Logging examples; Appendix 1: Calibration procedure for gross count gamma ray logging; Appendix 2: Correlation factors for gross count gamma ray logging; Appendix 3: Glossary and reference data.

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