projets de coopération technique – La nutrition
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Infant and Young Child Nutrition Promotion
Technical Cooperation Project ¦ Approved: 01/2016 ¦ Code: URT6030 ¦ ActiveUsing Stable Isotope Techniques to Monitor and Assess the Vitamin A Status of Children Susceptible to Infection (AFRA)
Technical Cooperation Project ¦ Approved: 01/2014 ¦ Code: RAF6047 ¦ ActiveMonitoring and Evaluating the Iron Status in Women of Child-Bearing Age and Children Aged 6–59 Months within the Framework of the National Wheat Flour Fortification Programme
Technical Cooperation Project ¦ Approved: 01/2012 ¦ Code: SEN6019 ¦ Active- ‹ Page précédente
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