projets de coopération technique – La sûreté et la sécurité nucléaires

Enhancing the Management and Ownership of the Programme (AFRA)

Technical Cooperation Project ¦ Approved: 01/2020 ¦ Code: RAF0058 ¦ Active

Strengthening Human Resources for the Safe Control and Use of Nuclear Techniques

Technical Cooperation Project ¦ Approved: 01/2020 ¦ Code: VEN0012 ¦ Active

Supporting Nuclear Power Plant Ageing Management, Preparation for Safe Long Term Operation and Safety Culture Practices

Technical Cooperation Project ¦ Approved: 01/2020 ¦ Code: RLA9089 ¦ Active

Supporting the Transfer of the Former Semipalatinsk Test Site Land for Economic Use

Technical Cooperation Project ¦ Approved: 01/2020 ¦ Code: KAZ9016 ¦ Active

Building National Capacity through the Applications of Nuclear Technology

Technical Cooperation Project ¦ Approved: 01/2020 ¦ Code: GRN0001 ¦ Active

Establishing National Regulatory Infrastructure for Radiation Safety — Phase II

Technical Cooperation Project ¦ Approved: 01/2020 ¦ Code: LES9006 ¦ Active


Lettre d'information