
The Use of Environmental Isotopes to Assess Sustainability of Intensively Exploited Aquifer Systems

Coordinated Research Project ¦ 2011.12 ¦ CRP Code: F33019 ¦ Closed

Estimation of Groundwater Recharge and Discharge by Using the Tritium-Helium-3 Dating Technique

Coordinated Research Project ¦ 2009.12 ¦ CRP Code: F33018 ¦ Closed

Use of Environmental Isotope Tracer Techniques to Improve Basin-scale Recharge Estimation

Coordinated Research Project ¦ 2008.08 ¦ CRP Code: F33017 ¦ Closed

Quantification of Hydrological Fluxes in Irrigated Lands Using Isotopes for Improved Water Use Efficiency

Coordinated Research Project ¦ 2007.03 ¦ CRP Code: F32005 ¦ Closed

Isotopic Techniques for Assessment of Hydrological Processes in Wetlands

Coordinated Research Project ¦ 2006.04 ¦ CRP Code: F32004 ¦

Geostatistical Analysis of Spatial Isotope Variability to Map the Sources of Water for Hydrology Studies

Coordinated Research Project ¦ 2006.03 ¦ CRP Code: F33016 ¦ Closed

Isotopic Age and Composition of Stream Flow as Indicators of Groundwater Sustainability

Coordinated Research Project ¦ 2004.03 ¦ CRP Code: F33015 ¦ Closed

