IPC Publications
Manual de Control de Calidad del Producto en la Cría masiva y Liberación de Moscas de la Fruta Estériles, (traducción de la Versión 7.0 de 2019)
FAO/IAEA/USDA. FAO/IAEA Programme of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture. IAEA, Vienna, Austria (2022)
Dosimetry for SIT: Standard Operating Procedures for Gafchromic™ Film Dosimetry System for Low Energy X Radiation v1.0
This SOP brings together in one place a description of the components of the Gafchromic™ dosimetry system for Low Energy X Radiation, the procedure for its characterization, and its application to process validation and process control, together with references to the relevant standards. It provides a readily available source of information that can be accessed by both research workers and production facility managers. The SOP is also available in Spanish
Insect Pest Control Newsletter No. 98, January 2022
Insect Pest Control Newsletter No. 98, January 2022
Technical Documents in Support of the Progressive Control and Eradication of the New World Screwworm (NWS) in Latin America and the Caribbean
Through a series of regional projects, the IAEA and FAO assists Member States in Latin America and the Caribbean in the prevention and progressive control of the New World Screwworm (NWS). The NWS or Cochliomyia hominivorax is a cause for myiasis, a parasitic infestation of the body which affects animals and humans.
Insect Pest Control Newsletter No. 97, July 2021
Insect Pest Control Newsletter No. 97, July 2021
Sterile Insect Technique: Principles and Practice in Area-Wide Integrated Pest Management
This second edition includes all aspects of the SIT have been updated and the content considerably expanded. A great variety of subjects is covered, from the history of the SIT to improved prospects for its future application. The major chapters discuss the principles and technical components of applying sterile insects. The four main strategic options in using the SIT suppression, containment, prevention, and eradication with examples of each option are described in detail.
Area-Wide Integrated Pest Management Development and Field Application
This new textbook on AW-IPM assembles a series of selected papers that attempts to address various fundamental components of AW-IPM. A significant number of contributions to this book resulted from oral and poster presentations at the Third FAO/IAEA International Conference on “Area-wide Management of Insect Pests: Integrating the Sterile Insect and Related Nuclear and Other Techniques”, which was successfully held from 22-26 May 2017 at the Vienna International Centre, Vienna, Austria.
Insect Pest Control Newsletter No. 96, January 2021
Insect Pest Control Newsletter No. 96, January 2021
Guidelines for Irradiation of Mosquito Pupae in Sterile Insect Technique Programmes
This publication is intended as guidance for the irradiation of the pupal stage of Aedes aegypti, Aedes albopictus and Anopheles arabiensis, for routine studies on the biological effects of radiation exposures, in particular, irradiation induced sterility in male (and female) mosquitoes.
Dose mapping by scanning Gafchromic® film to measure the absorbed dose of insects during their sterilization
The development of better system for dose distribution within an irradiation container and the development of an accurate dose-response curve for the target insect using precise dosimetry is a prerequisite of any programmes releasing sterile insects. This manual describes the operational procedures to develop dose maps by scanning Gafchromic film and the calibration of the system, to be used in the insect irradiation process for SIT programmes. The manual is also available in Spanish/Español.
Agriculture and Biotechnology Laboratories Activities Report 2020
Agriculture and Biotechnology Laboratories Activities Report 2020
Insect Pest Control Newsletter No. 95, July 2020
Insect Pest Control Newsletter No. 95, July 2020
Harmonized identification guideline of tefritids that might be considered of economic and quarantine importance in Latin America and the Caribbean
The correct identification of endemic fruit fly pests is fundamental for the design of effective integrated pest management programmes including those that apply the sterile insect technique (SIT). Also, for the enforcement of emergency action plans when
incursions of fruit fly quarantine species occur in an area. This manual is aimed at offering National Plant protection Organizations (NPPOs) with a harmonized guide that can support them in the continues
battle against fruit fly pests affecting food security and safety in the countries (manual only available in Spanish). -
Guidance framework for testing the sterile insect technique as a vector control tool against Aedes-borne diseases
This document is intended to be a comprehensive guide for programme managers tasked with recommending a “go/no-go” decision on testing, full deployment and scale-up of the sterile insect technique (SIT) in regions of the world affected by diseases transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes. However, the authors hope that the material presented herein will be used more widely—by scientists, decision makers, review groups and others.
Area-Wide Management of Fruit Fly Pests
This book is a compilation of the Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Fruit Flies of Economic Importance, held in Tapachula, Chiapas, Mexico, from 21 to 27 April 2018.
Guidelines for Blood Collection, Processing and Quality Control for Tsetse Rearing Insectaries, Version 2.0
This document is intended for use in laboratories and institutions that maintain colonies of tsetse flies. It describes the procedures for the collection of animal blood in the abattoir, decontamination through ionizing radiation, preservation and storage, quality control assurance and processing of the blood into diet for feeding tsetse flies.
Guidelines for mass rearing of Aedes mosquitoes_v1.0
The number and production capacity of mass-rearing insectaries for Aedes mosquitoes is increasing as the SIT technology is being validated in field pilot projects. These guidelines have been developed to provide a description of procedures required for Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mass-rearing. It is a summary of necessary steps of larval and adult mass-rearing as used at the FAO/IAEA. This guide will be continuously updated considering the improvements brought to the mass-rearing of mosquitoes.
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