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The IAEA will collaborate with Cuba to explore the possibility of using nuclear techniques to fight the invasion of the New World screwworm, a killer fly that attacks animals, impacting the economy of the Americas, Director General Yukiya Amano announced in Havana this week. Read more →
Health care, including cancer control, is the main focus of the IAEA's support to Uruguay, IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano said in Montevideo on Friday. While Uruguay has well-equipped and well-staffed cancer and nuclear medicine centres, there is high demand for qualified medical physicists for radiation medicine applications. Read more →
An outbreak of the insidious ´screwworm´ fly in Yemen, is threatening livelihoods, in a country where rearing livestock is a traditional way of life. In recent weeks, a Ministerial delegation was at the IAEA in Vienna, Austria, to turn to the international community for emergency assistance to fight the deadly pest. Read more →