Проекты технического сотрудничества – Продовольствие и сельское хозяйство
Promoting Food Irradiation by Electron Beam and X Ray Technology to Enhance Food Safety, Security and Trade (RCA)
Technical Cooperation Project ¦ Approved: 01.2020 ¦ Code: RAS5087 ¦ ActiveStrengthening the Regional Collaboration of Official Laboratories to Address Emerging Challenges for Food Safety (ARCAL CLXV)
Technical Cooperation Project ¦ Approved: 01.2020 ¦ Code: RLA5080 ¦ ActiveEnhancing National Programmes for Testing and Monitoring Food Contaminants and Residues
Technical Cooperation Project ¦ Approved: 01.2020 ¦ Code: GEO5001 ¦ ActiveAssessing the Efficiency of the Sterile Insect Technique for the Control of the Cocoa Pod Borer
Technical Cooperation Project ¦ Approved: 01.2020 ¦ Code: RAS5086 ¦ ActiveDeveloping Best Soil, Nutrient, Water and Plant Practices for Increased Production of Forages under Saline Conditions and Vegetables under Glasshouse Using Nuclear and Related Techniques
Technical Cooperation Project ¦ Approved: 01.2020 ¦ Code: QAT5008 ¦ ActiveReducing the Incidence and Impact of Transboundary Animal and Zoonotic Diseases
Technical Cooperation Project ¦ Approved: 01.2020 ¦ Code: SWA5001 ¦ ActiveDetermining Soil Nutrient and Water Use Efficiency Using Isotope Techniques
Technical Cooperation Project ¦ Approved: 01.2020 ¦ Code: LES5009 ¦ ActiveBuilding Capacities in Developing Best Agricultural Practices for Enhanced Production of Maize and Its Quality – Phase I
Technical Cooperation Project ¦ Approved: 01.2020 ¦ Code: CAF5012 ¦ ActiveStrengthening the Use of the Sterile Insect Technique
Technical Cooperation Project ¦ Approved: 01.2020 ¦ Code: MOR5038 ¦ ActiveExpanding Analytical Capabilities for Systematic Control of Veterinary Drug Residues and Related Contaminants in Foodstuff
Technical Cooperation Project ¦ Approved: 01.2020 ¦ Code: BEN5013 ¦ Active- ‹ Предыдущий
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