Safety in Radiological Procedures (SAFRAD)
SAFRAD (SAFety in RADiological procedures) is a voluntary reporting system aiming to sustain a database of comprehensive data such as patient's dose report and other relevant data when these patients are submitted to defined trigger levels or events in fluoroscopically-guided diagnostic and interventional procedures. The primary objective of the system is educational. It is believed that going through the process of SAFRAD itself results in safety and quality of service.
All data furnished by participants (hospitals, regulators) will remain accessible to the participant. The participant will have access periodically to analysed results. The IAEA will publish overall summary reports of SAFRAD data from time to time. SAFRAD will not supply identifiable data to any governmental authority or other third party.
» Introduction to the project
» How to use SAFRAD
» Guidelines and forms
How to use SAFRAD
SAFRAD website provides you with on-line forms to be filled in order to collect data about the small percentage of patients who get an unusually high level of exposure during their X ray procedures. To participate in SAFRAD data collection, please follow these 3 steps:
- The first step is to register in order to get an IAEA NUCLEUS account and authorization to access SAFRAD. When your registration is approved, you can access SAFRAD using the user name and password provided;
- The second step is to enter your hospital, department and equipment information. It is better to provide this information at this initial stage, although it is not mandatory;
- The third step is to report an event whenever a procedure in your hospital has exceeded one or more of the trigger levels or was the subject of a trigger event. These reports should be as complete as possible.
Accessing SAFRAD
- To access SAFRAD you should have a valid IAEA NUCLEUS user account and your registration to participate in SAFRAD should be approved.
To register for SAFRAD:
- Click the Register link on top right;
- Fill in the required details for an IAEA NUCLEUS user account;
- Fill in the additional information required for SAFRAD authorization.
Your NUCLEUS user name and password will be sent to the email address that you provided during registration. You may have to wait for confirmation of registration to SAFRAD which may take a few days as the process is not automatic and requires authorization by SAFRAD coordinator.
To sign-in to SAFRAD:
- Click the Sign-in link;
- Enter your IAEA NUCLEUS user name and password.
Your name will appear on the right top corner when sign in is successful. This will allow you access to all full system as also information contained in files available in the Resources tab.
Managing Hospitals, Departments and Equipment Details
To simplify the task of reporting an event, you may provide initial information about your hospital, departments and equipment in advance.
To add a hospital:
- Click the Hospitals menu;
- Click the Add Hospital link on top right;
- Enter your hospital details;
- Click the Save button.
To add a department (such as Cath lab) to a hospital:
- Click the Hospitals menu;
- Click the View link of your hospital;
- Click the Add Department link (at bottom in List of Departments);
- Enter your department details;
- Click the Save button.
To add equipment:
- Click the Hospitals menu;
- Click the View link of your Hospital;
- Click the View link of the Department;
- In the List of Equipment section, click the Add Equipment link;
- Enter your equipment details;
- Click the Save button.
To add a patient:
- Click the Hospitals menu;
- Click the View link of your Hospital;
- Click the View link of the Department;
- In the List of Patients section, click the Add Patient link;
- Enter patient details;
- Click the Save button.
To add a previous procedure for a patient:
- Click the Hospitals menu;
- Click the View link of your Hospital;
- Click the View link of the Department;
- In the List of Patients section, click the Edit Patient link;
- In the Previous Procedures section, click the Add Previous Procedure link;
- Enter details of the previous procedure;
- Click the Save button.
It will be desirable to make print out of the Patient data collection Form for the coordinator from Resources tab and start recording information. You are now ready to add event report as and when you have information;
Once your hospital, department and equipment details are saved in SAFRAD, you can select them at the time when you report an event;
If you need to delete a hospital, department, equipment or patient, you must do it in reverse order, namely delete patient first, then equipment, department and then hospital. Deletions may be performed using the View link.
Reporting an Event
To add an Event Report:
- Click on the Event Reports tab;
- Click on the Add Event Report button on top right;
- Click on the Select or Add Department link ;
- Select the Equipment;
- Click on the Select or Add Patient link;
- Select an existing patient or click on the Add Patient button and enter patient details;
- Click the Save button;
- Continue adding further information about the event;
1. Fill in General Information form; click Next;
2. Go to Dose Indicators and Technical Factors;
3. Fill in Dose Indicators and Technical Factors form; click Next;
4. Go to Patient Follow-Up;
5. Fill in Patient Follow-Up form.
- Click the Save button.
You must enter all required General Information, then go to Technical Factors and Dose Indicators tab and enter the information, then go to Patient Follow-up tab and enter the information, before clicking on the Save and Return button. You may make print out of the Patient follow-up Form for the coordinator from Resources tab and record patient follow-up findings.
To search Event Reports:
- Click on the Search Reports tab;
- Select the Hospital;
- If your hospital has multiple departments and you wish to view event reports for a single department, select the Hospital department;
- If your department has multiple items on the list of equipment and you wish to view event reports for a single equipment item, select the Equipment;
- If you wish to view event reports for a single patient, select the Patient;
- Click the Search button;
- If you wish to export the report data into an Excel spreadsheet, click the Export button.
If you have any questions, please contact the SAFRAD Administrator.