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Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy
Geneva, 6–16 Sep. 1971
Proceedings Series
STI/PUB/300 ¦ 92-0-570272-2
¦ ¦ € 33.50 ¦ Date published: 1972
Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy
Geneva, 6–16 Sep. 1971
Proceedings Series
STI/PUB/300 ¦ 92-0-070172-8
¦ ¦ € 33.50 ¦ Date published: 1972
INIS: Guidelines for the Development and Maintenance of the INIS Thesaurus
Dec. 1971 Edition
TECDOC Series - 142
30 pages ¦ ¦ € 15.00 ¦ Date published: 1972
Induced Mutations and Plant Improvement
Buenos Aires, 16–20 Nov. 1970
Panel Proceedings Series No.
STI/PUB/297 ¦ 92-0-011072-X
¦ ¦ € 45.00 ¦ Date published: 1972
Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research 1971
Proceedings of an International Conference held in Madison, 17–23 June 1971
Proceedings Series
STI/PUB/288 ¦ 92-0-030271-8
¦ ¦ € 52.50 ¦ Date published: 1972
Peaceful Nuclear Explosions II
Vienna, 18–22 Jan. 1971
Panel Proceedings Series No.
STI/PUB/298 ¦ 92-0-061071-4
¦ ¦ € 27.50 ¦ Date published: 1972
Atomic Energy Review, Vol. 9 (1971), No. 2
Atomic Energy Review
STI/PUB/066/09/2 ¦
¦ ¦ € 7.50 ¦ Date published: 1972
Atomic Energy Review, Vol. 9 (1971), No. 3
Atomic Energy Review
STI/PUB/066/09/3 ¦
¦ ¦ € 7.50 ¦ Date published: 1972
Atomic Energy Review, Vol. 10 (1972), No. 1
Atomic Energy Review
STI/PUB/066/10/1 ¦
¦ ¦ € 9.00 ¦ Date published: 1972
Atomic Energy Review, Vol. 10 (1972), No. 2
Atomic Energy Review
STI/PUB/066/10/2 ¦
¦ ¦ € 9.00 ¦ Date published: 1972
Atomic Energy Review, Vol. 10 (1972), No. 3
Atomic Energy Review
STI/PUB/066/10/3 ¦
¦ ¦ € 9.00 ¦ Date published: 1972
Atomic Energy Review, Special Issue No. 3 Tantalum: Physic0-chemical Properties of Its Compounds and Alloys
Atomic Energy Review. Special issue
STI/PUB/066/SPI/3 ¦ 92-0-149072-0
¦ ¦ € 9.50 ¦ Date published: 1972
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