Non-Proliferation and Policy Making Section

The Non-Proliferation and Policy Making Section provides legal advice relating to safeguards and non-proliferation matters, as well as legal assistance to the General Conference and Board of Governors in regard to rules of procedure.

Safeguards and Non-Proliferation

The Non-Proliferation and Policy Making Section provides legal advice to the Office of the Director General and the Department of Safeguards on issues related to safeguards and nuclear non-proliferation.

The Section is responsible for the drafting and interpretation of safeguards agreements and additional protocols to them, as well as small quantity protocols based on GOV/INF/276/Annex B. The Section is also responsible for providing advice on legal issues relating to such safeguards agreements and participates in various internal (Information Review Committee) and external (Liaison Committees) committees dealing with safeguards implementation. The Section also provides training to IAEA inspectors and support staff on legal issues related to safeguards and nuclear non-proliferation.

In this connection, the Section also deals with questions arising with reference to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and nuclear-weapon-free zone treaties. It is also responsible for legal issues associated with other aspects of nuclear non-proliferation, including IAEA activities pursuant to relevant Board of Governors decisions or in light of UN Security Council resolutions.

Project and Supply Agreements

The Non-Proliferation and Policy Making Section prepares drafts and provides legal advice on Project and Supply Agreements, through which the IAEA assists Member States in securing equipment and materials.

Legislative Assistance

The Non-Proliferation and Policy Making Section, in cooperation with the Nuclear and Treaty Law Section also provides legislative assistance to Member States in the preparation of draft national laws and regulations related to the implementation of their safeguards and non-proliferation undertakings.

Policy Making Organs

The Non-Proliferation and Policy Making Section provides advice on matters related to the Statute of the IAEA and the conduct of the meetings of the Board of Governors and the General Conference, including the interpretation and application the Rules of Procedures of the General Conference and the Provisional Rules of Procedure of the Board of Governors.

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