General Conference Documents

GC Regular Sessions

| GC33


Reports to the Conference

GC33Modalities of application of Agency Safeguards in the Middle EastPDF iconGC(33)/887
GC33Plan for the production of low-cost potable waterPDF iconGC(33)/888/Add.1
GC33Plan for the production of low-cost potable waterPDF iconGC(33)/888/Add.1/Rev.1
GC33Request for the inclusion of an item entitled Plan for the production of low-cost potable water in the Provisional Agenda for the thirty-third regular session of the General ConferencePDF iconGC(33)/888

Information Documents

GC33Inscription in the list of speakers in the General DebatePDF iconGC(33)/INF/266
GC33Advance information for delegationsPDF iconGC(33)/INF/267
GC33Advance information for delegations - corrigendumPDF iconGC(33)/INF/267/Corr.1
GC33The Agency's technical co-operation activities in 1988PDF iconGC(33)/INF/268
GC33Representation of IAEA member states not members of the board at meetings of the board as observersPDF iconGC(33)/INF/269
GC33Measures to strengthen international co-operation in matters relating to nuclear safety and radiological protectionPDF iconGC(33)/INF/271
GC33Measures to strengthen international co-operation in matters relating to nuclear safety and radiological protectionPDF iconGC(33)/INF/271/Add.1
GC33Information for delegationsPDF iconGC(33)/INF/272
GC33List of Participations - Information received by noon on 27 September 1989PDF iconGC(33)/INF/274/Rev.2
GC33Statement of financial contributions to the Agency - As at 22 September 1989 - Note by the Director GeneralPDF iconGC(33)/INF/275
GC33Telex received by the President of the thirty-third regular session of the General Conference from the Resident Representative of PeruPDF iconGC(33)/INF/275/Rev.1
GC33Telex received by the President of the thirty-third regular session of the General Conference from the Resident Representative of PeruPDF iconGC(33)/INF/276
GC33Telex received by the President of the thirty-third regular session of the General Conference from the Resident Representative of NigerPDF iconGC(33)/INF/277

Resolutions Adopted by the General Conference

GC33Approval of the Appointment of the Director GeneralPDF iconGC(33)/RES/505
GC33Israeli nuclear capabilities and threatPDF iconGC(33)/RES/506
GC33The Agency's Accounts for 1988PDF iconGC(33)/RES/507
GC33Measures to strengthen international co-operation in matters relating to nuclear safety and radiological protectionPDF iconGC(33)/RES/508
GC33Dumping of nuclear wastesPDF iconGC(33)/RES/509
GC33Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear MaterialPDF iconGC(33)/RES/510
GC33Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident Convention on Assistance in the Case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological EmergencyPDF iconGC(33)/RES/511
GC33Arrangements for the assessment of Members' contributions towards the safeguards component of the Agency's Regular Budget for each of the Years 1990, 1991 and 1992PDF iconGC(33)/RES/512
GC33The financing of safeguardsPDF iconGC(33)/RES/513
GC33The financing of technical assistancePDF iconGC(33)/RES/514
GC33Plan for the production of low-cost potable waterPDF iconGC(33)/RES/515
GC33The Agency's budget for 1990PDF iconGC(33)/RES/516
GC33Technical Assistance and Co-operation Fund allocation for 1990PDF iconGC(33)/RES/517
GC33The Working Capital Fund in 1990PDF iconGC(33)/RES/518
GC33Scale of assessment of Members' contributions for 1990PDF iconGC(33)/RES/519
GC33Rules Regarding the Acceptance of Voluntary Contributions of Money to the AgencyPDF iconGC(33)/RES/520
GC33Staffing of the Agency's SecretariatPDF iconGC(33)/RES/521
GC33Amendment of Article VI.A.2 of the StatutePDF iconGC(33)/RES/522
GC33Revision of Article VI of the Statute as a wholePDF iconGC(33)/RES/523
GC33South Africa's nuclear capabilitiesPDF iconGC(33)/RES/524
GC33Examination of delegate's credentialsPDF iconGC(33)/RES/525

Decisions of the General Conference

GC33Closing date of the sessionPDF iconGC(33)/DEC/6
GC33Opening Date for The Thirty-Fourth (1990)Regular Session of The General ConferencePDF iconGC(33)/DEC/7
GC33Review of the Conference's working practicesPDF iconGC(33)/DEC/8
GC33Requests for the restoration of voting rightsPDF iconGC(33)/DEC/9
GC33Election of members to the Board of GovernorsPDF iconGC(33)/DEC/10
GC33Election of members to the Board of Governors prohibition of all armed attacks against nuclear installations devoted to peaceful purposes whether under construction or in operationPDF iconGC(33)/DEC/11
GC33The financing of technical assistancePDF iconGC(33)/DEC/12
GC33Confirmation of the acceptance of a voluntary contribution of moneyPDF iconGC(33)/DEC/13
GC33Proposed amendment of Rule 89 of the Rules of Procedure of the General ConferencePDF iconGC(33)/DEC/14
GC33Representation of IAEA Member States not members of the Board at meetings of the Board as observersPDF iconGC(33)/DEC/15
GC33Participation of Palestine in the activities of the IAEAPDF iconGC(33)/DEC/16

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