General Conference Documents

GC Regular Sessions

| GC05


Information Documents

GC05Small power reactor projects of the United States Atomic Energy Commission. Information gathered as a result of the United States offer inviting the Agency's participationPDF iconGC(05)/INF/41
GC05DelegationsPDF iconGC(05)/INF/42
GC05DelegationsPDF iconGC(05)/INF/42/Rev.1
GC05DelegationsPDF iconGC(05)/INF/42/Rev.2
GC05DelegationsPDF iconGC(05)/INF/42/Rev.3
GC05List of non-governmental organizations to which consultative status has been grantedPDF iconGC(05)/INF/43
GC05Statement to the General Conference by the Forum Atomique Europeen (European Atomic Forum)PDF iconGC(05)/INF/44
GC05Statement to the General Conference by the International Confederation of Free Trade UnionsPDF iconGC(05)/INF/45

Resolutions Adopted by the General Conference

GC05Applications for membership of the Agency. Application by the Congo (Leopoldville) for membership of the AgencyPDF iconGC(05)/RES/88
GC05The Agency's relations with other organizations in the United Nations family. Annual reports to United Nations organs. The Agency's annual report to the United Nations General Assembly for 1960-61PDF iconGC(05)/RES/89
GC05The Agency's relations with other organizations in the United Nations family. Annual reports to United Nations organs. The Agency's annual report to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations for 1961-62PDF iconGC(05)/RES/90
GC05Appointment of the Director General - Approval of the appointment of the Director GeneralPDF iconGC(05)/RES/91
GC05The composition of the Board of Governors. Amendment of article VI.A.3 of the StatutePDF iconGC(05)/RES/92
GC05The Agency's accounts for 1960PDF iconGC(05)/RES/93
GC05The Agency's relations with intergovernmental organizations. Representation of inter-governmental organizations at the sixth regular sessionPDF iconGC(05)/RES/94
GC05The Agency's relations with other organizations in the United Nations family. Relationship agreements. Relationship agreements between the Agency and the Inter-governmental Maritime Consultative OrganizationPDF iconGC(05)/RES/95
GC05The Agency's relations with other organizations in the United Nations family. Relationship agreements. The Agency's relations with the United Nations Special FundPDF iconGC(05)/RES/96
GC05Establishment under the auspices of the Agency of an international insurance scheme for scientistsPDF iconGC(05)/RES/97
GC05Credentials of delegates to the fifth regular sessionPDF iconGC(05)/RES/98
GC05Credentials of delegates to the fifth regular session. Report of the Credentials CommitteePDF iconGC(05)/RES/99
GC05Voluntary contributions to the General Fund for 1962. Increased voluntary contributions to the General FundPDF iconGC(05)/RES/100
GC05Voluntary contributions to the General Fund for 1962PDF iconGC(05)/RES/101
GC05The question of a general review of the provisions of the Statute - General review of the StatutePDF iconGC(05)/RES/102
GC05The Agency's program and budget for 1962. Budgetary appropriation for 1962PDF iconGC(05)/RES/103
GC05The Agency's program and budget for 1962. Use of the Working Capital Fund in 1962PDF iconGC(05)/RES/104
GC05The Agency's program and budget for 1962. A long term program for the activities of the AgencyPDF iconGC(05)/RES/105
GC05The Agency's program and budget for 1962. International co-operation in the utilization of research reactorsPDF iconGC(05)/RES/106
GC05The Agency's program and budget for 1962. The establishment of an International Center for Theoretical PhysicsPDF iconGC(05)/RES/107
GC05The Agency's program and budget for 1962. The functions of the Agency's laboratoryPDF iconGC(05)/RES/108
GC05The Agency's program and budget for 1962. International co-operation for developing nuclear power projectsPDF iconGC(05)/RES/109
GC05Scale of Members' contributions for 1962PDF iconGC(05)/RES/110
GC05Studies of nuclear power costsPDF iconGC(05)/RES/111

Decisions of the General Conference

GC05Election of the PresidentPDF iconGC(05)/DEC/1
GC05Appointment of the Credentials CommitteePDF iconGC(05)/DEC/2
GC05Election of the Vice-PresidentsPDF iconGC(05)/DEC/3
GC05Appointment of the General CommitteePDF iconGC(05)/DEC/4
GC05Adoption of the agenda and allocation of items for initial discussionPDF iconGC(05)/DEC/5
GC05Closing date for the sessionPDF iconGC(05)/DEC/6
GC05Opening date of the sixth regular sessionPDF iconGC(05)/DEC/7
GC05Appointment of an External AuditorPDF iconGC(05)/DEC/8
GC05Election of Members to the Board of GovernorsPDF iconGC(05)/DEC/9

Plenary Meetings

GC05Official record of the forty-eighth Plenary MeetingPDF iconGC(05)/OR.48
GC05Official record of the fiftieth Plenary MeetingPDF iconGC(05)/OR.50
GC05Official record of the fifty-first Plenary MeetingPDF iconGC(05)/OR.51
GC05Official record of the fifty-second Plenary MeetingPDF iconGC(05)/OR.52
GC05Official record of the fifty-third Plenary MeetingPDF iconGC(05)/OR.53
GC05Official record of the fifty-fourth Plenary MeetingPDF iconGC(05)/OR.54
GC05Official record of the fifty-fifth Plenary MeetingPDF iconGC(05)/OR.55
GC05Official record of the fifty-sixth Plenary MeetingPDF iconGC(05)/OR.56
GC05Official record of the fifty-seventh Plenary MeetingPDF iconGC(05)/OR.57

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