General Conference Documents

GC Regular Sessions

| GC43


Reports to the Conference

GC43Provisional AgendaPDF iconGC(43)/1
GC43Provisional Agenda - Supplementary Item for Inclusion in the Provisional AgendaPDF iconGC(43)/l/Add.l
GC43Provisional Agenda - CorrigendumPDF iconGC(43/l/Corr.1
GC43Provisional AgendaPDF iconGC(43y1
GC43Applications for Membership of the Agency - Application by HondurasPDF iconGC(43)/2
GC43The Agency's Accounts for 1998PDF iconGC(43)/5
GC43The Agency's Budget for 2000PDF iconGC(43)/6
GC43Measures to Address the Year 2000 (Y2K) IssuePDF iconGC(43)/7
GC43Israeli Nuclear Capabilities and ThreatPDF iconGC(43)/8
GC43Measures to Strengthen International Co-operation in Nuclear, Radiation and Waste Safety - Safety of Transport of Radioactive MaterialsPDF iconGC(43)/9
GC43Measures to Strengthen International Co-operation in Nuclear, Radiation and Waste Safety - The Safety of Radiation Sources and the Security of Radioactive MaterialsPDF iconGC(43)/10/Corr.1
GC43Measures to Strengthen International Co-operation in Nuclear, Radiation and Waste Safety - The Convention on Nuclear SafetyPDF iconGC(43)/1 l
GC43Amendment of Article VI of the StatutePDF iconGC(43)/12
GC43Amendment of Article VI of the Statute - CorrigendumPDF iconGC(43)/12/Corr.1
GC43Measures Against Illicit Trafficking in Nuclear Materials and Other Radioactive SourcesPDF iconGC(43)/13
GC43Appointment of the External AuditorPDF iconGC(43)/14
GC43Scale of Assessment of Members' Contributions for 2000PDF iconGC(43)/15
GC43The Implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolutions Relating to IraqPDF iconGC(43)/16
GC43Application of IAEA Safeguards in the Middle EastPDF iconGC(43)/17
GC43Application of Safeguards in the Middle East - AddendumPDF iconGC(43)/17/Add.1
GC43Application of Safeguards in the Middle EastPDF iconGC(43)/17/Add.1/Mod. l
GC43Application of Safeguards in the Middle EastPDF iconGC(43)/17/Add.2
GC43Application of Safeguards in the Middle East - CorrigendumPDF iconGC(43)/17/Add.l/Corr.l
GC43Personnel Questions - Staffing of the Agency's Secretariat (GC(41)/RES/18)PDF iconGC(43)/18
GC43Personnel Questions - Staffing of the Agency's Secretariat (GC(41)/RES/18)PDF iconGC(43)/18/Corr.2
GC43Personnel Questions - Women in the Secretariat (GC(41)/RES/19)PDF iconGC(43)/19
GC43Extensive Use of Isotope Hydrology for Water Resources ManagementPDF iconGC(43)/21
GC43Strengthening the Effectiveness and Improving the Efficiency of the Safeguards SystemPDF iconGC(43)/22
GC43Implementation of the Agreement Between the Agency and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea for the Application of Safeguards in Connection with the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear WeaponsPDF iconGC(43)/23
GC43Amendment of Article XIV.A of the StatutePDF iconGC(43)/24
GC43Report on Contributions Pledged to the Technical Co-operation Fund for 2000PDF iconGC( 4 3 )/25/Rev .4
GC43Report on Contributions Pledged to the Technical Co-operation Fund for 2000PDF iconGC(43)/25
GC43Report on Contributions Pledged to the Technical Co-operation Fund for 2000PDF iconGC(43)/25/Rev. l
GC43Report on Contributions Pledged to the Technical Co-operation Fund for 2000PDF iconGC(43)/25/Rev.2
GC43Report on Contributions Pledged to the Technical Co-operation Fund for 2000PDF iconGC(43)/25/Rev.3
GC43Report on Contributions Pledged to the Technical Co-operation Fund for 2000PDF iconGC(43)/25/Rev.5
GC43Election of Members to the Board of GovernorsPDF iconGC(43)/26
GC43AgendaPDF iconGC(43)/27
GC43Applications for Membership of the Agency - Application by AngolaPDF iconGC(43)/28
GC43Article VI of the StatutePDF iconGC(43)/29
GC43Article VI of the StatutePDF iconGC(43)/29/Add.l
GC43PersonnelPDF iconGC(43)/30
GC43Examination of Delegates' Credentials - Statement of Arab Delegations Concerning Their Reservations About the Credentials Submitted by the Israeli Delegation to the Forty-Third Regular Session of the IAEA General Conference In ViennaPDF iconGC(43)/31
GC43Examination of Delegates' Credentials - Text of Communication Dated 29 September 1999 Received from the Resident Representative of Israel to the International Atomic Energy AgencyPDF iconGC(43)/32
GC43Examination of Delegates' CredentialsPDF iconGC(43)/33
GC43Measures to Strengthen International Co-operation in Nuclear, Radiation and Waste Safety - The Safety of Radiation Sources and the Security of Radioactive MaterialsPDF iconGC(43)/10

Information Documents

GC43Inscription in the List of Speakers in the General DebatePDF iconGC(43)/INF/1
GC43Inscription in the list of speakers in the General DebatePDF iconGC(43)/INF/1/Rev.1
GC43Advance Information for DelegationsPDF iconGC(43)/INF/2
GC43Measures to Strengthen International Co-operation in Nuclear, Radiation and Waste Safety - Progress of Preparations for the Entry Into Force of the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste ManagementPDF iconGC(43)/INF/5

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