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Nuclear Reactor Simulators for Education and Training

PC-Based Basic Principle Simulators

In support of human resource development in Member States the IAEA has established education and training programmes on active learning about nuclear technologies using the PC-based basic principle simulators.

As part of this programme, the IAEA arranges for the development and distribution of its suite of PC-based basic principle simulators including the manuals and related documentation, sponsors education and training courses and workshops on physics and technology of advanced reactors, methodology on technology assessment and technology relevant databases:

  • THERPRO (Thermo-Physical Materials Properties Database of LWRs and HWRs)
  • ARIS (Advanced Reactor Information System)
  • NGKB (Nuclear Graphite Knowledge Base)

These simulators provide efficient hands-on learning of the physics and engineering designs of various reactor types. The simulators operate on personal computers and are provided for a broad audience of technical and non-technical professionals, students and instructors as an introductory educational tool. Worldwide the faculty members interested in developing nuclear engineering courses may find the IAEA simulators effective hands-on educational tools.

Currently the IAEA has nuclear power plant simulation software available for distribution that simulate the behaviour of the following reactor types:

Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) Simulators

Boiling Water Reactor (BWRs) Simulators

Pressurized Heavy Water Reactor (PHWR)

Part-Task Simulator

Under Development

These desktop simulator codes provide insight and understanding of the designs as well as a clear understanding of the operational characteristics of the various reactor types. The simulators operate on personal computers and are provided for a broad audience of technical and non-technical personnel as an introductory educational tool. The preferred audience, however, are faculty members interested in developing nuclear engineering courses with the support of these very effective hands-on educational tools. The application of the simulator programs is limited to providing general response characteristics of selected types of power reactor systems and they are not intended to be used for plant-specific purposes such as design, safety evaluation, licensing or operator training.

How to Obtain These Simulators

These simulators, including the associated documentation, are distributed at no cost to interested parties in IAEA Member States. Furthermore, the IAEA sponsors training courses and workshops on a regular basis, and would also be willing to support additional training events on this topic at the request of Member States.

Kindly follow these simple steps in order to obtain the complete suite of IAEA PC-Based Simulators:

Step 1: Create a Nucleus login ID by registering on the IAEA's Nucleus website. This is necessary in order to obtain access to our SharePoint website, where all the simulators are hosted.

Step 2: Download and fill out this simulator request form.

Step 3: Scan and send the completed form to the competent official authority (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, National Atomic Energy Authority, or to the applicant's Member State Permanent Mission to the IAEA in Vienna, Austria) for their approval and signature (stamp).

After this the Permanent Mission will then forward the approved request to Official Mail, the International Atomic Energy Agency, P.O. Box 100, Vienna International Centre, A-1400 Vienna, Austria. You will then receive an email from the IAEA with instructions on how to download all the simulators from our SharePoint website.

Workshops on Basic Principle Simulators

Since 1997, numerous education and training courses have been held in Chile, Egypt, Jordan, Italy, the Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Pakistan, Romania, Singapore, Spain, Tunisia, the United Arab Emirates, the United States of America, Viet Nam, and at the IAEA.

The IAEA sponsors training courses and workshops on a regular basis, and would also be willing to support additional training events on this topic at the request of Member States. If you/your organization are interested in hosting a training session, educational course or workshop in your country, please contact the IAEA at Simulators Contact Point, to further discuss the proposition.

Stay in touch
