projets de recherche coordonnée
Development of Time Limited Ageing Analyses to Support Continued Safe Operation of Research Reactors
Coordinated Research Project ¦ 12/2023 ¦ CRP Code: T34005 ¦ Active - OngoingDevelopment of neutronic and thermal-hydraulic coupled calculational methodologies for research reactors including treatment of uncertainties
Coordinated Research Project ¦ 12/2021 ¦ CRP Code: F12028 ¦ Active - OngoingTechnical Evaluation and Optimization of Nuclear-Renewable Hybrid Energy Systems
Coordinated Research Project ¦ 03/2021 ¦ CRP Code: I32012 ¦ Active - OngoingAdvancing Thermal-Hydraulic Models and Predictive Tools for Design of SCWR Prototypes
Coordinated Research Project ¦ 03/2021 ¦ CRP Code: I31034 ¦ Active - OngoingAdvancing the State-of-Practice in Uncertainty and Sensitivity Methodologies for Severe Accident Analysis in Water-Cooled Reactors
Coordinated Research Project ¦ 12/2018 ¦ CRP Code: I31033 ¦ Active - OngoingAccelerator-Driven System (ADS) Applications and Use of Low-Enriched Uranium in ADSs
Coordinated Research Project ¦ 12/2015 ¦ CRP Code: T33002 ¦ ClosedTherapeutic Radiopharmaceuticals Labelled with New Emerging Radionuclides (67Cu, 186Re, 47Sc)
Coordinated Research Project ¦ 09/2015 ¦ CRP Code: F22053 ¦ ClosedBenchmarks of Computational Tools against Experimental Data on Fuel Burnup and Material Activation for Utilization, Operation and Safety Analysis of Research Reactors
Coordinated Research Project ¦ 06/2014 ¦ CRP Code: T12029 ¦ ClosedOptions and Technologies for Managing the Back End of the Research Reactor Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Coordinated Research Project ¦ 03/2014 ¦ CRP Code: T33001 ¦ ClosedNuclear Security for Research Reactors and Associated Facilities
Coordinated Research Project ¦ 01/2014 ¦ CRP Code: J02006 ¦ Active - Ongoing- 1 of 4
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