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CINDA A (1935-1987) Vol. 1

CINDA (Vienna)

English CINDA A (REV.1) ¦ 92-0-039190-7

¦ € 17.50 ¦ Date published: 1990


An index to literature and computer files on microscopic neutron data. It is a worldwide bibliography of the literature on microscopic neutron nuclear data resulting from experiments, theory and evaluations, and an index to internationally available computer libraries of neutron data. It is thus of interest to every scientist involved in pure or applied neutron physics, such as experimental neutron physics, compilation and evaluation of neutron nuclear data, reactor physics, nuclear fusion, neutron dosimetry, radiation protection and shielding, irradiation in medicine and biology, radioisotope production and neutron activation techniques. The present CINDA file contains more than 230 000 entries. It also includes index lines for experimental and evaluated numerical data files available from data centres. The entries are sorted by element, isotope and data category. The list of data categories comprises microscopic cross-sections, angular distributions and energy spectra from all neutron-induced reactions of the energy range from 0 to 50 MeV and above, as well as resonance parameters, resonance integrals, level density parameters, yields of fission neutrons and fission fragments, gamma ray spectra, and also a few related nuclear reactions such as spontaneous fission, photo-fission and production of photo-neutrons. CINDA-A, the archival issue in 5 volumes, contains entries from the literature published between 1935 and 1987. CINDA-A is supplemented by CINDA 90, which covers the literature published from 1988 to spring 1990.
Contents: Vol. 1: Introduction; CINDA listing for collective entries ‘Many’ and ‘Fprod’; Molecules and mixtures; Annex.

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