International Conference on Small Modular Reactors and their Applications - Participation and registration
21–25 October 2024, Vienna, Austria
Key Deadlines and Dates
29 February 202415 March 2024 (Final deadline):
Submission of abstracts through IAEA-INDICO29 February 202415 March 2024 (Final deadline):
Submission of Form B (together with Form A) through the InTouch+ platform29 February 202415 March 2024 (Final deadline):
Submission of Form C (together with Form A) through the InTouch+ platform31 March 2024after 7 April 2024: Notification of acceptance of abstracts for oral or poster presentation31 May 202414 June 2024 (Final deadline): Electronic submission of full papers through IAEA-INDICO- 31 July 2024: Notification of review of full papers
- 6 September 2024: Deadline for submission of revised full papers submitted through IAEA-INDICO
- 16 October 2024: Submission of Form A only (no paper submission, no grant request) through the InTouch+ platform
Participation and Registration
All persons wishing to participate in the event must be designated by an IAEA Member State or should be a member of an organization that has been invited to attend .
Registration through the InTouch+ platform:
1. Access the InTouch+ platform.
- Persons with an existing NUCLEUS account can sign in here with their username and password;
- Persons without an existing NUCLEUS account can register here.
2. Once signed in, prospective participants can use the InTouch+ platform to:
- Complete or update their personal details under ‘Basic Profile’ (if no financial support is requested) or under ‘Complete Profile’ (if financial support is requested) and upload the relevant supporting documents;
- Search for the relevant event (EVT2300044) under the ‘My Eligible Events’ tab;
- Select the Member State or invited organization they want to represent from the drop-down menu entitled ‘Designating authority’ (if an invited organization is not listed, please contact Conference Contact Point;
- If applicable, indicate whether a paper is being submitted and complete the relevant information;
- If applicable, indicate whether financial support is requested and complete the relevant information (this is not applicable to participants from invited organizations);
- Based on the data input, the InTouch+ platform will automatically generate Participation Form (Form A), Form for Submission of a Paper (Form B) and/or Grant Application Form (Form C);
- Submit their application.
Once submitted through the InTouch+ platform, the application together with the auto-generated form(s) will be transmitted automatically to the required authority for approval. If approved, the application together with the form(s) will automatically be sent to the IAEA through the online platform.
NOTE: Should prospective participants wish to submit a paper or request financial support, the application needs to be submitted by the specified deadlines (see section O).
For additional information on how to apply for an event, please refer to the InTouch+ Help page. Any other issues or queries related to InTouch+ can be sent to InTouchPlus Contact Point.
If it is not possible to submit the application through the InTouch+ platform, prospective participants are requested to contact the IAEA’s Conference Services Section via email: Conference Contact Point..
Participants are hereby informed that the personal data they submit will be processed in line with the Agency’s Personal Data and Privacy Policy and is collected solely for the purpose(s) of reviewing and assessing the application and to complete logistical arrangements where required. Further information can be found in the Data Processing Notice concerning IAEA InTouch+ platform.
Expenditures and Grants
No registration fee is charged to participants.
The IAEA is generally not in a position to bear the travel and other costs of participants in the conference. The IAEA has, however, limited funds at its disposal to help cover the cost of attendance of certain participants. Upon specific request, such assistance may be offered to normally one participant per country, provided that, in the IAEA’s view, the participant will make an important contribution to the conference.
If participants wish to apply for a grant, they should submit applications to the IAEA using the InTouch+ platform through their competent national authority (see Section H). Participants should ensure that applications for grants are:
1. Submitted by 29 February 2024;
2. Accompanied by Grant Application Form (Form C); and
3. Accompanied by Participation Form (Form A).
Applications that do not comply with the above conditions cannot be considered.
Approved grants will be issued in the form of a lump sum payment that usually covers only part of the cost of attendance.