Regional Workshop to Coordinate the Implementation of Integrated Nuclear Security Sustainability Plans
The regional workshop is organized following requests expressed by States in the Pacific and Indian Ocean Islands, including in the context of national Integrated Nuclear Security Sustainability Plan (INSSP) finalization or review missions. The workshop will include group discussions to foster interaction between the participants and to explore potential regional strategies or action plans for enhancing INSSP Implementation. The regional workshop will use a combination of presentations, case studies, scenario-based discussions/exercises and sharing of national experiences related to INSSP implementation. Notably, the regional workshop will involve Pacific and Indian Ocean Island States that do not have an INSSP and raise awareness of the INSSP mechanism among those States.The objective of the workshop is to raise awareness of nuclear security and the INSSP mechanism among the Pacific and Indian Ocean Island States with the aim to enhance regional cooperation for INSSP implementation. Wherever feasible and appropriate, possible regional cooperation mechanisms will also be explored to support INSSP implementation on the national and regional level.The workshop will also facilitate the exchange of best practices and other information on challenges and opportunities related to the implementation of INSSPs, and, in particular, activities related to national policy and strategy; legislative and regulatory framework; prevention; detection; response; assurance and continuous improvement. The workshop will discuss ways to improve the implementation of nuclear security activities in the participating States in the framework of the INSSP.The target audience includes INSSP Points of Contact and other individuals from institutions with current or future responsibilities for nuclear security in the invited countries. It is preferable that designated participants have decision-making authorities in their respective organizations, or are responsible for policy-making related to the establishment, implementation, maintenance and sustaining of effective and appropriate national nuclear security regimes.Participation and RegistrationIn order to be designated by an IAEA Member State or invited organization, participants are requested to submit their application via the InTouch+ platform ( to the competent national authority (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Permanent Mission to the IAEA or National Atomic Energy Authority) or organization for onward transmission to the IAEA by 15 January 2024, following the registration procedure in InTouch+:
1. Access the InTouch+ platform (