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Operating Experience with Nuclear Power Stations in Member States in 1999

Operating Experience with Nuclear Power Stations in Member States 1999

English STI/PUB/1105 ¦ 92-0-102900-0

812 pages ¦ 4 figures ¦ € 168.50 ¦ Date published: 2000


This report is the thirty-first in the Agency’s series of annual reports on operating experience with nuclear power stations in Member States. The PRIS data bank is available free of charge to IAEA Member States through its products PRIS-PC and, MicroPRIS and through the Internet (http://www.iaea.or.at/ programmes/a2). PRIS-PC allows direct access to the database via the Internet. MicroPRIS contains a subset of the PRIS database and is a personal computer version of PRIS data available on diskette, in a form readily accessible by standard, commercially available personal computer packages. It is a direct output from the Agency’s Power Reactor Information System (PRIS) and contains data on electricity production, overall plant operating performance and plant outage during 1999 for individual plants. In addition to annual performance data and outage information, the report contains a historical summary of performance and outages during the lifetime of individual plants and figures illustrating worldwide performance and statistical data.
Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. Nuclear power station units in Member States; 3. Definitions; 4. Figures; 5. Abbreviations; 6. Data sheets on individual nuclear power station units.

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