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Nuclear Power Status 1999

revised 25 April 2000


A total of 433 nuclear power plants were operating around the world in 1999, based on data reported to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Power Reactor Information System (PRIS). During 1999, four nuclear power plants representing 2700 MW(e) net electric capacity were connected to the grid, one in France, one in India, one in the Republic of Korea and one in the Slovak Republic.

Additionally, construction of seven new nuclear reactors started in 1999 — one in China (plus two in Taiwan, China), two in Japan and two in the Republic of Korea, bringing the total number of nuclear reactors reported as being under construction to 37.

The ten countries with the highest reliance on nuclear power in 1999 were: France, 75%; Lithuania, 73.1%; Belgium, 57,7%; Bulgaria, 47.1%; Slovak Republic, 47%; Sweden, 46.8%; Ukraine, 43.8%; Republic of Korea, 42.8%; Hungary, 38.3% and Armenia, 36.4%. In total, 17 countries and Taiwan, China relied upon nuclear power plants to supply at least a quarter of their total electricity needs.

Worldwide in 1999, total nuclear generated electricity increased to 2401.16 terawatt-hours. Cumulative worldwide operating experience from civil nuclear power reactors at the end of 1999 approached 9400 reactor-years (9384 reactor-years).

A table showing the electricity supplied by nuclear power reactors in 1999 and the respective percentage of electricity produced by nuclear energy is attached. Numbers with asterisks are estimates.

Last update: 16 Feb 2018

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